BEIJING, May 25 -- The Peacekeeping Affairs Center of China's Ministry of National Defense held a reception to celebrate the 22nd International Day of UN Peacekeepers in Beijing on Saturday. Representatives from the United Agencies in China, the diplomatic missions in China of major troops-contributing countries and financial-contributing countries to the UN peacekeeping missions, the International Committee of the Red Cross Regional Delegation for East Asia (ICRC), China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China's Ministry of Public Security and other institutions, attended the reception.
北京5月25日電 5月25日,國防部維和事務中心在北京舉辦國際維和人員日招待會,紀念第22個國際維和人員日。聯合國駐華機構 ,聯合國維和行動主要出兵、出資國駐華使團 ,紅十字國際委員會駐華代表處 ,以及中國外交部 、國防部、公安部等單位和機構代表出席招待會。